Eat 4 Resilience


Insulin: There Is more To It Then Just Glucose

Insulin is a hormone produced by the human body generally known for its effects on blood glucose and its ability to bring glucose molecules into the cells of the body where it is used as a form of raw fuel or “Crude Oil”. Once inside the cell, glucose gets transformed into consumption fuel in the…

Eat 4 Resilience

The Origins of Metformin & Its Historical Context

Metformin, a cornerstone in diabetes treatment today, has a fascinating history that dates back centuries. Extracted from French Lilac, a flower native to the Mediterranean, Metformin’s journey from a medieval remedy to a modern medical marvel is both intriguing and inspiring. This flower, known by various names such as Italian Fitch, Professor Weed, and Goat’s…

Eat 4 Resilience

Which Type of Diabetes Do I Have?

Diabetes is generally known to be grouped into two general types – type 1 and type 2. In standard language, type 1 denotes a lack of insulin production by the pancreas (also known as “insulin deficiency”). Type 2 diabetes denotes intact insulin production by the pancreas (sometimes even substantially increased), but insulin molecules are unable…

Eat 4 Resilience

Does Metformin Cause Kidney Damage?

The short answer is – no. There are myths about metformin causing kidney damage, but these stories don’t consider important details. Let me explain. How Kidneys Work: kidneys filter circulated blood to produce urine. On average, humans produce about one gallon of urine daily and this is the end-product of kidney circulation and filtering of…

Eat 4 Resilience

How to Get the Most Out of Your Doctor’s Visit

The current health system can often be a complex environment to navigate and often requires the active participation of patients in preparing for their upcoming doctor’s visits. This active patient preparation helps get the most out of each visit, enables more quality time spent with the doctor and ultimately leads to better self-management of one’s…

Eat 4 Resilience

Overweight and Obese Individuals, Along With Those Managing Type 2 Diabetes or Prediabetes, Will Find Useful and Healthy Dietary Guidance on the Types and Amounts of Food to Consume.

Practical Tip #1: Consider every meal or snack as an act of personal self-care by consuming it slowly and with awareness. Take modest bites and chew well until the food is finely mashed. This habit helps you appreciate the taste in your mouth and gives your brain enough time to register the satiety signals from…